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Self-Service Account Recovery

2017-09-10 00:30:00 1745 0

The following feature has been implemented on Bittrex for all users.

Self-Service Account Recovery Process for Disabled Accounts

Disabled accounts can now be automatically enabled using the self service process available within the Settings Section of user accounts.

How do I qualify to auto enable my disabled account?

  • Account value must be below 0.5 BTC
  • Your account must be Basic or Enhanced Verified
  • You must have disabled your own account by clicking the link in one of the emails Bittrex sends

What can I expect once I begin the process?

  • When you click "Request to Enable Account" Bittrex will send you an email with a link that you must click to start the process.
  • The process takes 48 hours from the time you click the link in the email
  • You will receive an email notification every 6 hours for a period of 48 hours.  Each email will give you the chance to cancel the recovery process should you want your account to remain disabled.
  • After 48 hours, if you did not cancel the recovery process your account will be enabled and ready for use.





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