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Performance Improvements - Part 1

2017-06-11 23:12:00 1443 0

With the recent ramp up of our user and order counts, many of you have seen that our website and API performance has not only handled the increased load but improved.  We're handling 10 times the order throughput and 4 times the concurrent users since May 1st.  

As part of our scaling efforts and to prepare for new upcoming features to the exchange, we are making a change to our order placement policy.  Beginning Jun 23rd, all existing and new orders placed in our system will be closed after 27 days.   As an interim step to this, we will be closing all orders older than 6 months beginning on Jun 11th.  

We realize that this may cause some users to adjust their trading strategies but we feel the overall change will be positive for all users.  Besides, who doesn't want new and shiny exchange features?  Stay tuned!  



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