  • gate.io关于重启星云链(NAS)交易的公告

    Nebulas(NAS) is A decentralized platform which provides a search framework for all blockchains.  Check the details at the official web...

    2017-12-25 11:55:00 866

  • Segwit2x Report

    Dear users, Many people in the world are enthusiastic about bitcoin since it was created.Now its market cap is more than $10 billion....

    2017-12-25 11:50:00 747

  • Server Upgrade

    Dear users, The servers will be upgraded from 0:00-6:00 on October 10,2017.There will be inaccessible access.Please forgive us for the...

    2017-12-25 11:44:00 788

  • 【Announcement】Depositing Address About Ethereum Tokens Changed

    Dear traders,  All of ETH, NULS, VOISE, PAY, EOS, OMG depositing address will be Changed after November 10 at 12:00 a.m. Please pause...

    2017-12-25 11:39:00 812

  • GXS wallet has been maintained

    Dear users, GXS wallet has been maintained,Depositing GXS service and withdrawing GXS service has been restored.   Bit-Z...

    2017-12-25 11:37:00 864

  • Hcash Transaction Delay

    Dear users, According to official request,The transaction service will be postponed to 12:00 a.m. October 2, 2017.Better service will...

    2017-12-25 11:33:00 856

  • ETH wallet has been maintained

    Dear users, ETH wallet has been maintained. Withdrawing ETH service has been restored. Thank you for your waiting.   Bit-Z...

    2017-12-25 11:12:00 810

  • 关于CEO交易所对LCH分叉的态度及处理方案公告

    近期有用户比较关心关于LCH(Litecoin Cash)的分叉币的领取问题,本着负责任的态度,CEO官方特意对LCH官方网站进行了调查分析,发现如下的情况,需要对用户公开披露: 1,LCH官网对Litecoin Cash的介绍中最需要对用户公开透明的重要的信息都是缺...

    2017-12-25 10:40:00 787

  • gate.io 关于LCH分叉处理方案的说明

    近期有用户比较关心关于LCH(Litecoin Cash)的分叉币的领取问题。本着负责任的态度,我们特意去LCH官方网站进行了调查。我们发现如下的情况,需要对用户公开披露,gate.io用户请务必再了解后谨慎投资: 1,LCH官方网站上对于Litecoin Cash的...

    2017-12-25 09:31:00 859

  • gate.io平台关于XTZ, IOTA, ADA, LSK, WAVES市场的说明(高价可退)

    gate.io已经开通 IOTA, ADA, LSK, WAVES交易。 IOTA, ADA, LSK, WAVES主链均已上线,但因为技术体系不同,我们正在开发可以实现秒冲秒提的充提接口,目前市场深度来自外网对冲。用户投资买入的相关币种都是真币,由gate.io平台保...

    2017-12-25 03:32:00 780
