  • Binance开放MCO/BNB交易市场

    亲爱的用户: Binance现已上线 MCO/BNB 交易市场,邀您体验! 规则说明: 关于 Monaco(MCO) 费率说明 交易规则 风险提示:数字货币是一种高风险的投资方式,请投资者谨慎购买,并注意投资风险。Binance会遴选优质币种,但不对投资行为承担担...

    2017-12-25 01:24:00 837

  • 【Announcement】Server upgrade at 22:00 Dec. 6

    Dear traders,  Bit-Z has been more and more popular among community traders. In order to provide more efficient and stable services, B...

    2017-12-25 12:16:00 705

  • LISK wallet has been maintained

    Dear users, LISK wallet has been maintained. Withdrawing LISK service has been restored.Thank you for your waiting.   Bit-Z...

    2017-12-25 12:12:00 927

  • Ethereum Classic (ETC) Wallet Maintaining

    Dear users, The ETC wallet is in maintainance.Depositing ETC and withdrawing ETC have been suspended.The ETC which you has been transf...

    2017-12-25 12:12:00 764

  • 【Announcement】Server upgrade at 00:00 December 20

    Dear traders, The servers will be upgraded between 00:00 to 01:00 on December 20, 2017. Web access, assets transfer and other services...

    2017-12-25 12:11:00 723

  • 【Announcement】OTC market fee reached to 0.5%

    Dear traders, Transition fee for OTC market fell from 1 percent to 0.5 percent. Tip: OTC market fee is only 0.5% of the volume of the...

    2017-12-25 12:10:00 686

  • 【Announcement】Upgraded Of New YBC(YBCT)

    Dear users, YbCoin, as the earliest digital currency experiment in China, has a certain reputation both in China and abroad. The team...

    2017-12-25 12:09:00 834

  • ETH wallet is in maintenance

    Dear users, ETH wallet is maintaining,Withdrawing ETH service will be suspended. It will restored when the wallet upgrade.   Bit-Z...

    2017-12-25 12:06:00 787

  • ETC Wallet has been maintained

    Dear users, ETC wallet has been maintained. Depositing ETC service and withdrawing ETC service has been restored. Thank you for your w...

    2017-12-25 12:06:00 746

  • Bitcoin Gold(BTG) Update

    Dear users, Bitcoin Gold(BTG) has a hard fork at the BTC block height of 491407,and the block is at 09:20:39 on October 24. we have de...

    2017-12-25 12:06:00 818
