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BZ Weekly(2018.08.07-2018.08.14)

2018-08-15 07:31:00 956 0

BZ Ecological Events

1. Bit-Z opened the apply for market makers. A daily 10 BZ service fee is required (apply before August 31, 2018 can enjoy 0 service fee). Eligible market makers will receive transaction fee return based on daily trading volume, up to 100%.

2. Bit-Z announced the rules of "Vote for Launch 4.0". It requires each project lock at least 1,000,000 BZ for 10 months. At the end of the voting period, the project will be launched on BZ trading market if the vote number reaches our target, 2,000,000 VTC.


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Thank you for your support!

Bit-Z Team

August 15, 2018



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