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Bit-Z Transaction Fee deduction Ended

2018-08-08 08:59:00 984 0

Dear traders,

Bit-Z transaction fee deduction activity(Traders hold 5,000 BZ and above enjoyed 50% transaction fee deduction on the next day) will end from 24:00, August 8, 2018(UTC/GMT+08:00).

The dividend mode will not be influenced.

Bit-Z 中文社区(

Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN

Bit-Z Community(

Bit-Z Community(BIYong): https://0.plus/bitzEN 

Bit-Z official WeChat:bitzcom666

Thanks for your support!

Bit-Z team

August 8, 2018




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