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DFT new mining rules

2018-07-31 15:55:00 1222 0

Dear users:

Original mining rewards program of trading on DigiFinex to get free DFT officially stopped on 31st July 2018. The total DFT supply is capped at 175,885,084 DFTs instead of planned 2.1billion DFTs. Please refer to announcement

From 1st August below new mining rules comes into effect.

1. Total mining rewards is 33,739,531DFTs which was the mining rewards allocated to mining pool 2 before for marketing purpose. New mining is going to unlock those rewards and no more other DFT will be released.

2. Mining rewards: Trading on DigiFinex to get free DFTs. DigiFinex refunds 100% of the trading fees a user traded in the form of DFT based on DFT price at past sharp hour.

3. Minimum mining requirement: Lock 1,000 DFTs.

4. Hourly DFT mining limit= {Rounding down(DFT mining lock amount/1,000)}*Difficulty (initial difficulty sets at 10). Hourly mining rewards is capped at hourly mining limit. If a mining rewards exceed mining limit, user is only rewarded maximum mining limit. And the exceeding portion will not be rewarded.

For example: Difficulty is 10, user locked 10,001 for mining. Then the user hourly mining limit is (10,000/1,000)*10=100 DFT

5. To ensure daily DFT mining output at a stable rate, mining difficulty is adjusted daily at 00:00:00 GMT+8 time based on previous day mining output.

6. Mining rewards is calculated hourly. Mining rewards is distributed following day at 10:30am GMT+8 time. (It might get slightly delayed due to high volume)

7. During mining period, referral rewards increased to 20%. Referrer receives 20% equivalence of referee’s mining rewards. Mining rewards is distributed following day at 10:30am GMT+8 time. (It might get slightly delayed due to high volume)

Thanks for your support!

DigiFinex Team

31st July, 2018

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