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API Update - September 1st, 2018(Bitfinex关于与API的WebSocket连接的方式更改)

2018-07-31 14:07:41 2186 0

Starting from September 1st, 2018, 00:00 UTC, Bitfinex will be implementing a series of changes to the way we manage WebSocket connections to our APIs.

As of September 1st, every WebSocket connection will have a limit of 50 subscriptions to market data feed channels (tickers, book, candles, trades, ...). We kindly ask all users to adapt their application setup accordingly to split subscriptions to channels on more WebSocket.

As an example, if you subscribe to all tickers, books, candles, trades channels on a single WebSocket connection, you'll receive

error:10305 (https://docs.bitfinex.com/v2/docs/ws-general#section-error-codes)

to notify the quota if the current socket is full. For users, this means handling multiple streams, or running multiple instances and spreading them over different pairs.

Implementing this API change results in quicker connections for all our API users, meaning quicker data feeds and optimised trading strategies.



  从2018年9月1日00:00 UTC开始,Bitfinex将对我们管理与API的WebSocket连接的方式进行一系列更改。






  如有问题,请联系support@bitfinex.com同[API Update 2018年9月]作为电子邮件主题。




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