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Announcement on Recover of Withdrawal Confirmation Email

2018-07-25 06:46:00 1181 0

Dear traders,

Since the 07.24 upgrade of Bit-Z system made some users receive login verification codes or withdrawal confirmation emails slowly. It has been gradually restored by timely technical solution. The current platform business is no longer affected by this problem.

If you still encounter this type of problem, please contact our official website online customer service in time. We will help you deal with it immediately.

Inconvenience, please understand!

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Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN

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Bit-Z Community(BIYong):https://0.plus/bitzEN

Bit-Z official WeChat:bitzcom666

Thank you for your support!

Bit-Z Team

July 25, 2018



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