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Bit-Z Free Listing Rules

2018-07-18 11:01:00 1825 0

Dear traders,

In order to promote the development of blockchain projects and promote the mobility of ecological communities, Bit-Z free listing is available now and projects can apply for free listing. Bit-Z will promote the launch of quality projects by reviewing the quality of the project and the qualification of the eco-community to create a fully transparent listing mechanism. Bit-Z Initiate Free Listing

Free Listing Rules:

1. No listing fee.

2. After projects applying for listing, Bit-Z Project Review Center will review them in order.

3. After the project passing the review, the project's listing requires at least 1,000,000 BZ locked-in for 10 months. The lock-up period starts on the first day of listing on Bit-Z.

4. Bit-Z will gather 5 projects to competition for each period of free listing. Finally, 2 winning projects will be generated according to the number of deposit accounts, and the winning projects will be launched on Bit-Z.

5. In order to ensure the safety of market traders, Bit-Z free listing will be supervised throughout the process. Any project or behavior that poses a risk to the safety of the traders' funds will be verified by Bit-Z at the first time. Once confirmed, the listing process will be suspended immediately. Once the security warning is triggered, the currency will be suspended or delisted. At the same time, Bit-Z Security Fund and BZ Security Risk Control Found will provide protection for platform trader assets. 

Competition Rules:

1. The competition will rank projects according to their “accumulated number of deposit accounts” In each competition, Bit-Z will gather 5 projects and the tokens with top 2 total number of deposit accounts will be eligible for the listing on Bit-Z. For the specific time of each competitions, please pay attention to the follow-up announcements.

2. Completing Level 3 Verification and the deposit amount is not less than the equivalent value of 0.1 ETH will be a valid account. The total amount of all participating accounts must not be less than 1,000 ETH.

3. The official token of the project is the default deposit token, calculated according to the opening price of the project on Bit-Z.

4. The losing projects in the current competition will receive 1 extension opportunity to enter the next competition, while retaining the current 50% account number; if the failure party does not select for extension, Bit-Z will open the withdrawal of its token.

5. To prevent malicious deposit, Bit-Z has the right to check the deposit accounts and filter the malicious accounts as invalid accounts.

Bit-Z 中文社区(

Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN

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Bit-Z Community(BIYong): https://0.plus/bitzEN 

Bit-Z official WeChat:bitz_com

Thanks for your support!

Bit-Z team

July 12, 2018



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