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KKEX预上线FGC/BTC 交易对及开放FGC充提公告 5.5

2018-05-05 13:52:00 2004 0


【KKEX预上线FGC/BTC 交易对及开放FGC充提公告 5.5】


发行时间:2018 .5.5        总量:16亿      

FoundGame,是一个去中心化的、基于区块链的一站式游戏分享平台 ,覆盖内容发布、版权众筹、IP 交易等等,是涵盖游戏项目的研发、运营、发行为一体的社区平台,拥有自己的代币FGC,目前为标准的ERC20代币,待EOS主网上线后会转移到EOS主链上。

*FGC充 提:
「KKEX」预计将于2018.5.5日 15:00 (北京时间)开放 FGC充提功能

*FGC交 易:
「KKEX」预计将于2018.5.5日 21:00 (北京时间)开放 FGC/BTC 交易对。

*充 值:

  • 钱包 >>>FGC >>> 充值
  • 使用币信APP扫描 FGC 充值二维码。
  • 在APP内填写数额 >>> 点击转账。
  • FGC 资产即可免费秒到 KKEX 账户
  • 充值记录可至 总资产 >>> 钱包 >>> 充值记录中查看

KKEX与 币信之间互转 FGC 免费秒到。

*提 现:

  • 钱包 >>>FGC>>> 提现
  • 输入提现数额 >>> 点击 确认提现 
  • FGC 资产即可免费秒到 币信账户
  • 提现记录可至 总资产 >>> 钱包 >>> 提现记录 中查看交易状态 

KKEX 风险提示:

FGC 做为新区块链资产,开盘后短期内价格可能存在剧烈波动风险,投资前望您对数字资产充分认知,理性判断投资能力,审慎做出投资决策。根据自身风险承受能力决定是否参与。


币信 聊天群号:12017
QQ 聊天群号:433395909




【Announcement on Prelaunching FGC/BTC Trading Pair, and Enabling FGC Deposit and Withdrawal】

 What is FGC?

Issue time: May 5, 2018     Total supply: 1.6 billion     official website:http://www.foundgame.com/

FoundGame is a decentralized, blockchain-based, one-stop game sharing platform that covers content distribution, copyright crowdfunding, IP transactions, etc. It is a platform that covers the development, operation, and distribution of game projects, which has its own token FGC. Currently, the FGC is the standard ERC20 token and will be transferred to the EOS main chain when EOS goes online.

*FGC Deposit and Withdrawal:

On May 5, 2018, KKEX will enable FGC Deposit and Withdrawal at 15:00 (Beijing time).

*FGC Trading:

Soon afterward, KKEX will list the FGC/BTC trading pair at 21:00 (Beijing time).

FGC/BTC Deposit

Wallet >>> FGC >>> Deposit
Scan the HPB DEPOSIT QR code with Bixin APP
Enter the amount in APP> Tab Confirm
FGC assets will arrive in KKEX account instantly and the transference is free of charge.
To view the deposit history: Go to Wallet>>>Deposit history
The transference between KKEX and Bixin is instant and free of charge.

FGC Withdrawal

Total assets >>> Withdraw >>>FGC >>> Withdraw
Enter the withdrawal amount> Tab Confirm Withdrawal
FGC assets will arrive in KKEX account instantly and the transference is free of charge.

Risk Warning: 

FGC is a new blockchain asset, its price has a high volatility, therefore we highly recommend that please be fully aware of the risks of investing, and consider well if you can bear the risks.

Bixin Chat group No.:12017
QQ Chat group No.:433395909

May. 5, 2018



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