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KKEX 上线 ENU/BTC 交易对公告4.24

2018-04-24 17:41:00 2319 0


【KKEX 上线 ENU/BTC 交易对公告 】


发行时间:2018.2.8        总量:5亿       ENU官网:enumivo.org

Enumivo 开发团队旨在通过区块链 +通用基本收入,实现所有人的社会公平。并推出ERC20 代币 ENU。 ENU总量为5亿,其中20%由开发团队保留,剩余80%免费空投给所有的参与者。2018年2月13日,以太坊区块高度5082420,Enumivo团队已完成4亿ENU的空投发放的最后一笔。其主链预计2018年8月8日上线, ENU ERC20的代币持有者可用其换取Enumivo区块链核心代币。


2018年8月8日, 12:01点13:01之间,ENU高性能的区块链即将上线。

自2018年8月9日12:01到2019年12月31日晚上11:59, ENU ERC20的代币持有者可用其换取Enumivo区块链核心代币。



*充   值:

  • 总资产 >>> 充币 >>> ENU >>> 充值
  • 使用币信APP扫描 ENU 充值二维码。
  • 在APP内填写数额  > 点击转账。
  • ENU 资产即可免费秒到 KKEX 账户
  • 充值记录可至 总资产 >>> 钱包 >>> 充值记录中查看

KKEX与 币信 之间互转  ENU  免费秒到。

*提   现:

  • 总资产 >>> 提币 >>> ENU >>> 提现
  • 输入提现数额 >点击 确认提现 
  • ENU 资产即可免费秒到 币信 账户
  • 提现记录可至 总资产 >>> 钱包 >>> 提现记录 中查看交易状态 

*交   易:
KKEX已同步上线 ENU/BTC交易对。欢迎交易体验!

KKEX 风险提示:
本赠送活动最终解释权归 KKEX 。ENU做为区块链资产,开盘后短期内价格可能存在剧烈波动风险,投资前望您对数字资产充分认知,理性判断投资能力,审慎做出投资决策。根据自身风险承受能力决定是否参与。


币信 聊天群号:12017
QQ 聊天群号:433395909




【Announcement on Launching ENU/BTC Trading Pair4.24】

What is ENU?

Issue time: 2018.2.8        Total supply: 500million    ENU web:enumivo.org

Enumivo developer team aims to build a social justice by blockchain and universal basic salary, and they have issued ERC20 tokens ENU. The total supply is 500M, of which 20% is kept by the team, and the rest 80% is airdropped free to everyone who joined. On Feb. 13, 2018, Ethereum block 5082420 was the last block when the Enumivo Airdrop depleted its 400M ENU tokens. 124,792 unique addresses joined the airdrop. Its main blockchain is about to launch on Aug. 8, 2018, ENU ERC20 holders can swap their tokens in exchange for the Enumivo blockchain core tokens. 

  Enumivo Roadmap

「Blockchain Launch」
Wednesday, August 8, 2018  12:01 AM  1:01 AM

Enumivo's high perfomance blockchain will launch. It is based on eos.io's free software. This blockchain will be the foundation of all future Enumivo projects.

「Token Swap」
Thu, Aug 9, 201812:01 AM  Tue, Dec 31, 201911:59 PM

ENU ERC20 holders can swap their tokens in exchange for the Enumivo blockchain core tokens. Instructions will be published later.

「Universal Basic Income」
Friday, March 1, 2019  12:01 AM  1:01 AM

Enumivo's Decentralized Universal Basic Income Application will launch. Everyone can join and prove their identities and start receiving UBI tokens.

Warning: This is a new blockchain asset and it has no certain value determined by the market, at any time it has a possibility whose value goes to zero, please be cautious to trade.

ENU Deposit

Total assets >>> Deposit >>>ENU >>> Deposit
Scan theENU DEPOSIT QR code with Bixin APP
Enter the amount in APP> Tab Confirm
ENU assets will arrive in KKEX account instantly and the transference is free of charge.
To view the deposit history: Go to Total Assets>>>Wallet>>>Deposit history

The transference between KKEX and Bixin/POIM is instant and free of charge.

ENU Withdrawal
Total assets >>> Withdraw >>> ENU >>> Withdraw
Enter the withdrawal amount> Tab Confirm Withdrawal
ENU assets will arrive in KKEX account instantly and the transference is free of charge.

Withdrawal history 

For viewing the process, go to Total assets >>> Wallet >>> Withdrawal history 

If the status is "Under review", represents that this operation has been submitted to the platform; after confirming, it will be sent to the ENU blockchain for further confirmations.

If the status is "Completed", represents that the platform has approved the operation and submitted to the ENU blockchain. You can click the address for further info.

Different platforms, different confirmation requests, for exact info, please consult with the platform which you transfer to.


Meanwhile, KKEX launches ENU/BTC. Welcome to gain your optimal trading experience here.

Risk Warning:
KKEX assumes no liability or responsibility for and shall have no liability or responsibility for any Losses directly or indirectly arising out of or related to your use of or trading on any assets. Moreover, ENU is a blockchain asset when it starts to be traded in exchanges, it will bring a huge price fluctuation. Therefore we highly recommend that please be fully aware of the risks of investing, and consider well if you can bear the risks.


Bixin Chat group No.:12017
QQ Chat group No.:433395909


Apl 24, 2018



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