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Bit-Z Refute Rumors About Platform Token

2018-06-22 05:53:00 658 0

Dear traders,

Bit-Z is about to launch the platform token. As of yet, no white papers, announcements, and other information have been published yet.

Please keep track of follow-up official announcements for details and refer to the official Bit-Z news.

Note: Recently there are users rumored that Bit-Z platform token is being privately funded. Please be ware of being deceived! 

Bit-Z 中文社区(

Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN

Bit-Z Community(

Bit-Z Community(BIYong): https://0.plus/bitzEN 

Bit-Z official WeChat:bitz_com

Thanks for your support!

Bit-Z team

June 20, 2018



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