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Bit-Z Announcement on EOS Main Net Switch

2018-06-02 03:14:00 647 0

Dear traders,

EOS main net will be launched recently. To register your EOS tokens from ERC20 network to EOS mainnet, Bit-Z will suspend EOS deposit and withdrawal service.

You needn't to do anything else to obtain the EOS assets of the main network from Bit-Z after the EOS main net switch, which will not affect any transactions during this period.

History Announcement: EOS.IO DOWN 2.0 Released & Development Update

Please see details as following:

May 31, 2018 18:00:00 (UTC/GMT+08:00) - Suspend deposit & withdrawal of EOS

Bit-Z will resume the services when the swap is completed and the stability of the mainnet is confirmed. Please pay attention to Bit-Z official announcement.

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Thanks for your support!

Bit-Z team

May 30, 2018



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