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2018-01-08 19:17:00 793 0

DDD is the token of Scry.info project. Scry.info is the world's first blockchain-based quantitative data providing and exchanging platform for storage, verification, utilization, analysis, sharing and trading of real world data. Interactions within the Scry community are made through Scry.info’s built-in smart contracts to access, share and utilize a wide spectrum of data, as fed and verified by the mass users on a distributed basis. Scry.info also enables users to customize industry/event-specific smart contracts to be applied to various scenarios and niches, such as polls or prediction markets in sports, entertainment, agriculture, financial market and so forth.  Official website https://www.scry.info/


The Scry.info token release (1500 ETH cap) will be started at 20:00pm Jan. 19, 2017 BJT. VIP3 users can place order in advance now.  KYC is required and the users in USA, Singapore and China are not accepted.
我们将于2018年1月19日20:00PM(晚8点)以每DDD 0.00015ETH的价格释放1500ETH总量的DDD。释放完成后将暂停交易,等待Scry.info基金会完成DDD合约部署,并在DDD代币流通后,约2018年1月23日开通DDD充值,提现和交易。

Get DDD at (获得DDD)


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Jan.08, 2018

Scry.info(DDD) will be released on gate.io (1500ETH cap). Place order in advance at https://gate.io/trade/DDD_ETH



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