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Funcoin上市 BTP

2018-02-27 12:25:00 879 0


Deal Users:


Funcoin will list Bitcoin pay(BTP) at 12:00 on 2018.02.28(Seoul time) and open BTP/KRW market at the same time.Join us and have fun with BTP!


The recharge and withdraw services of BTP are opened now.You can recharge and withdraw coins in the financial center when you log in.


BTP is bifurcated when it gets 499345 in the Bit coin block.It is bifurcated by Switzerland, Italy, Canada, America, Japan, Korea and China’s technical teams together and is based on Bitcoin credit.After BTP payment chain comes into being,the miners begin to execute new algorithms and will keep doing the data migration and improve the security level of the privacy according to BTP’s origin features.The old Bitcoin block will not change,but the new branch block will separate from the origin chain.The new one has the same trading histories with Bitcoin and will not stop until it become a independent block chain.It is a creation and we call it BTP.

The purpose of creating BTP is to build a convenient credit coin system and serve the public based on credit.With the spread of the intelligent contract, the practical application value of BTP will be improved greatly.BTP is a super credit carrieroperator and its’ purpose is to build a strong intelligent contract service network with the other digital credit coins.It is still Bitcoin, but it will overstep Bitcoin.


Official website:www.btceasypay.com


Agent coin quantity:210,000,000


Platform listed:ZB、coinegg、qbtc、EXX、BtcTrade


Rates instruction:buy/sell:0.1%  withdraw:0.5%


Risk instruction:Digital coins are investments with a high risk.Investor should buy them carefully and pay attention to the risk.


Funcoin will always pick the high quality coins but we do not take responsibilities for guarantees and indemnification of investments.


Thank you once again for your support to Funcoin!


Funcoin team

February 27,2018

Funcoin Community



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