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FIL(IPFS Filecoin IOU) is listed on gate.io(IPFS上线交易)

2017-11-24 14:12:00 1205 0

FIL (Filecoin) is the blockchain asset used in the IPFS platform and Filecoin network. The Filecoin network achieves staggering economies of scale by allowing anyone worldwide to participate as storage providers. It also makes storage resemble a commodity or utility by decoupling hard-drive space from additional services. On this robust global market the price of storage will be driven by supply and demand, not corporate pricing departments, and miners will compete on factors like reputation for reliability as well as price.
Check the details at the official website: https://filecoin.io/

FIL(filecoin) 是星际文件系统IPFS Filecoin网络中的数字资产。Filecoin网络致力于使用去中心化的方式激励全球存储和带宽资源的共享,共享者可以获得数字资产奖励,是一种通过贡献存储和带宽进行挖矿的去中心化区块链系统。
详情请查看官方网站: https://filecoin.io

Based on the agreement, the renrenico's users can transfer their IPFS FIL (6-month) IOU to gate.io and trade in the market.
所有renrenico的用户都可以通过一键转移的方式转移持有的IPFS FIL 6个月期代币到gate.io参与交易。我们将在IPFS正式版网络上线后,为大家分发代币并提供充提服务。

Trade FIL at (FIL交易地址)

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Nov.24, 2017



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