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DFT buy back and burn announcement for 27th -28th Aug

2018-08-29 18:56:00 1527 0

Dear users,

According to , DigiFinex has purchased DFT from open market on 27th and 28th Aug. And all the DFTs bought back are burned on 29th Aug.

Detailed buy-back is as following:

Total bought back DFT amount: 8914797.668 DFTs

Total burned DFT amount: 8914797.668 DFTs

Average buy back price: 0.299145033USDT/DFT

Total amount spent on this buy back: 2,666,817.443USDT≈17,067,631.63CNY

Remaining DFT circulation: 164,266,288.4196 (164million)

Last week total trading: 12,840,248,827CNY (excluded 20th Aug)

Total transaction fees: 16,582,472.86CNY

80% transaction fees added to buy-back foundation: 13265978.29CNY

Carry forward buy-back foundation: 3801653.342CNY

Address used to burn DFT:0x0362226dec7a5339263e778de2b5b2a1dec4eba5

DFT burning transaction record: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x1a41ed139af42ccf3707256e4c9888de1a4fdf2cace334646c5884f39205301d

Some of the buy-back snap shot ( due to high volume of the transaction, we only display some of the snap shot):

Thanks for your support!


29th August 2018

DigiFinex(digifinex.com)交易所DIGIFINEX LIMITED.保留对本活动拥有随时调整权及最终解释权。DigiFinex (digifinex.com) or DIGIFINEX LIMITED. reserves all rights including but not limited to adjustment, explanation, etc at anytime.



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