  • OKEx关于调整BTC、ETH、EOS永续合约风险档位的公告

      OKEx关于调整BTC、ETH、EOS永续合约风险档位的公告   尊敬的OKEx用户:   为提升永续合约流动性、提升用户体验,我们计划于2019年1月8日 15:00(HKT)调整BTC、ETH、EOS永续合约风险档位,调整后,每个档位的最大张数将会提升一倍...

    2019-01-09 09:39:38 1603

  • OKEx关于SDA开放充提的公告

      OKEx关于SDA开放充提的公告   亲爱的OKEx用户:   SDA钱包节点升级维护完成,现已稳定运行,OKEx将于2019年01月07日23:00(HKT)开放SDA的充提,敬请期待!   OKEx将持续不断为您提供更优秀的产品和更优质的服务!   OKEx官...

    2019-01-08 12:03:43 2401

  • NAST Transfer Suspended

    Dear traders,  According to NAST official notice, Bit-Z has suspended the transfer of NAST. We are sorry for the inconvenience it may...

    2019-01-08 11:30:00 1476

  • 火币大客户VIP尊享权益

    火币大客户VIP尊享权益 1.账户特别授权:   火币钻石和火币黄金VIP快速提币通道;   火币钻石VIP,提币额度在普通用户标准上提升2倍;   火币黄金VIP,提币额度在普通用户标准上提升1倍;   火币钻石VIP专属杠杆配额,现有杠杆交易对可安排专人配额。...

    2019-01-08 10:45:35 3399

  • Transfer APIS Restore

    Dear traders,  APIS upgrade maintenance.Transfer APIS will restore at  17:00, Jan 08, 2019 (UTC/GMT+08:00) We are sorry for the inconv...

    2019-01-08 08:43:00 1277

  • Transfer ARK Restore

    Dear traders,  ARK has completed technical upgrade. Transfer ARK has restore.   Bit-Z 中文社区( Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN Bit-Z...

    2019-01-08 08:00:00 1351

  • Bit-Z has Detected a “Double spending” on ETC.

    Dear traders,  In order to protect the user's assets to the greatest extent, Bit-Z has temporarily closed the deposit and withdrawal o...

    2019-01-08 04:12:00 1523

  • Bit-Z has detected a “double spending” on ETC.

    Dear traders,  In order to protect the user's assets to the greatest extent, Bit-Z has temporarily closed the deposit and withdrawal o...

    2019-01-08 04:00:00 1461

  • Transfer RRC Restore

    Dear traders,   RRC has completed technical upgrade. Transfer RRC has restore.   Bit-Z 中文社区( Bit-Z 中文社区(币用):https://0.plus/bitzCN Bit-...

    2019-01-07 11:09:00 1355

  • Bit-Z Will Support the Upcoming Ethereum Constantinople Hard Fork

    Dear traders, Bit-Z will support for the upcoming Ethereum Constantinople Hard Fork. Please leave sufficient time for deposits to be p...

    2019-01-07 10:38:00 1263
